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yorkshireterrier - Dedicated to Achak

On Friday July 16th 2004, our dog Achak (pictured below) died and joined his canine buddies in Heaven.

His spirit, character and personality taught me so much.

Hardwired into Achak's spirit were so many loveable and unique qualities such as loyalty, patience, forgiveness, love, playfulness, affection, intelligence, clumsiness, hilarious humour, and so much more..

Achak was my inspiration for starting this site and it has been one of the most successful sites I've built yet, and I am forever indebted to him for all he's added to my life.

I am (still) running the site for Achak and all dog lovers out there. They say a "picture tells a thousand words" so with that in mind, here's a picture of me and Achak (may take a while to load!):

"Look out, I think he's about to run for the cameraman!"

If you have any comments or would simply like to get in touch, please email us!